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Holiday Hubub

Taking a break from the holiday stress

-By Dr. Katie Weststrate, ND

Recently I overheard someone lament about the pressure they were under to be ‘ready’ for the upcoming ‘holidays’ and the compassionate reply of their friend regarding the fact that ‘it’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year’ so might she not be able to relax and enjoy a bit?

Indeed! I for one love the holiday season, I find the pause in our daily routine to be rejuvenating and inspiring. That said, I recognize, and have discussed in previous holiday newsletters, that for some the Christmas season is anything but merry and bright. I believe the key to keeping the pressure down is to take an honest look at what’s happening inside (of yourself! Not the inside of Sears or Walmart!). What do you most need right now? Is it a break – time away from it all? A nap? A walk in the woods or a laugh with friends?

Then ask yourself – what matters most for me this Christmas/holiday? How can you combine these two answers? Eg. If connecting with friends and family is most important, and what you need most is a break – find a way to prioritize making genuine connections while still allocating down time for you. FORGET the rest of the Hallmark-driven hubbub! By choosing to spend your time and energy in a way that is meaningful and authentic for you, you will be able to share joy, peace and happiness with those who matter most – what a great gift!

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